A Note from the Pastor’s Wife,

    Opinions! Everyone has a different one. Opinions are okay if someone ask you for yours and you answer with the truth in love. Opinions can be bad or hurtful if they come from pride or arrogance.  If our opinions have not been taken to the Lord in prayer they will not edify, encourage, or help anyone in a particular situation. The truth of a matter is to compare the opinion to God’s word and apply it accordingly. In conversation, does our opinion build up or tear down? God’s word is truth, full of love, and compassion, not opinion. (Ps.119:160) Even in His discipline, we find good, it is for the glory of His Holy name and the good of His children. His knowledge and direction is different from ours. (Isa.55:8-9) His command is right and true and always on time.  Some people want to apologize or make excuses for their opinions that have not been contained nor taken to the Lord in prayer. Others never think their opinions are wrong, as if they were the omniscient one. (Prov. 10:19)

    Do we have to give our opinion on everything? Do we have a right to our opinion on everything to everyone? Did someone ask for your opinion? These are wise questions to ask ourselves before blurting out an opinion that can never be put back into our mouths. It only takes a pause, breath in,

breath out, now what did the Lord say? (Prov. 10:31,32)

In Christ Love,








